Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Stanford + Udacity)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Dear Kouchiki Byakuya,

THANKS: Teaching this online course has been an amazing experience for me, and I'm thrilled that so many of you have found it useful and intellectually challenging. Please accept my sincere thanks for being a part of it!

CERTIFICATES: I'm currently finalizing the format for the certificates of accomplishment, and I expect Coursera to send them out very soon. (See the "Course Logistics" page to review the requirements for receiving a certificate.)

FUTURE COURSES: I've been blown away by all the enthusiasm for more algorithms courses. Let me let you in on my current (tentative) plans.

PART I: I hope to re-run Algorithms Part I soon, in a month or so. So if you (or your friends) didn't have time to complete the course, or found out about it too late, this will be your next chance! This second offering will be similar to the first, with some minor improvements motivated by student suggestions (more in-video quizzes, and maybe even that third batch of optional theory problems!).

PART II: I hope to debut a five-week Algorithms Part II soon after the Part I re-run finishes (in late summer or so). The planned topics are the greedy algorithm design paradigm (with applications to minimum spanning trees, scheduling, and data encoding); the dynamic programming design paradigm (with applications to Internet routing and genome sequencing); and NP-complete problems and what to do about them (fast heuristics with provable guarantees, fast exact algorithms for special cases, and exact algorithms that beat brute-force search).

FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS: For news about the Part I re-run and the Part II debut, you might keep your eye on the main Coursera page (https://www.coursera.org/) and my Google+ page.

Best regards,
Tim Roughgarden
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Stanford + Udacity)

Post by dodos »

Πολύ χρήσιμα πιστεύω... Μπράβο!!!
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Stanford + Udacity)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

dodos wrote:Πολύ χρήσιμα πιστεύω...
Φυσικά,και όχι μόνο αυτό. Έχεις την ευκαιρία από το σπίτι σου να κάνεις το μάθημα όπως το κάνουν πανεπιστήμια που πιθανότατα δεν θα πατήσεις ποτέ το πόδι σου.
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Stanford + Udacity)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Το Design and Analysis of Algorithms ξαναξεκινά.
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Dear Kuchiki Byakuya,

I'm happy to report that Design and Analysis of Algorithms I will be offered a second time, beginning on June 11th. If you didn't have time to complete the course the first time around, I very much hope you'll consider joining me for this second iteration. If you already took the class and enjoyed it, I hope you'll encourage friends and colleagues to take it this time around.

You can sign up for the new iteration at http://algo-class.org

There will be only minor differences between the two iterations. The new offering will have some extra material on data structures, and will last 6 weeks (instead of 5). I've also made some small improvements in response to students' suggestions.

If all goes well, Part II of the course will debut in late summer/early fall.

I hope to see you in a future course!

Tim Roughgarden
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Stanford + Udacity)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Πολύ ενδιαφέροντα μαθήματα για όλους από το Udacity.

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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Stanford + Udacity)

Post by Spyrοs »

Ανακάλυψα κάτι καινούριο, κυρίως για μη-ακαδημαϊκά μαθήματα: http://www.udemy.com/courses
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by ShadowMech »

Ωραιος ρε, βρηκα 1-2 που τα χρειαζομαι :)
Ρώτα οποιονδήποτε ευτυχισμένο άνθρωπο και δεν θα σου πει για συστήματα, πολιτικές, δυνάμεις, αριστερά, κεφάλαιο. Δεν θα σου πει τίποτα πέρα από το "ήξερα τι ήθελα".

The Don
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Το είχα βρει και εγώ αλλά δεν με πολυενδιαφέρουν αυτή τη στιγμή και δεν τα έγραψα. Είναι σε λογική καθαρά crash-courses που στόχο έχουν κυρίως τον επαγγελματικό στίβο και όχι την καθαρή γνώση. Τα περισσότερα αφορούν δεξιότητες και ικανότητες.

Έχει και μερικά πιο γενικά είναι η αλήθεια, όπως εκμάθηση c++ για αρχάριους (considered).
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Ενδιαφέροντα μαθήματα.
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Dear Κuchiki Byakuya,

Here at Udacity we are excited to announce five new classes that are now open for enrollment! Additionally, all of our previous classes will have open enrollment, which means you can enroll and start the class anytime. In addition to more Computer Science classes, we also will launch a Physics class and two Mathematics classes! Check them out!

Intro to Physics: Learn the basics of physics on location in Italy, the Netherlands and the UK, by answering some of the discipline's major questions from over the last 2000 years.

Intro to Statistics: Statistics is about extracting meaning from data and in this class you will learn techniques for visualizing relationships in data and systematic techniques for understanding the relationships using mathematics.

Algorithms: Ever played the Kevin Bacon game? This class will show you how it works by giving you an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms that enable you to discover how individuals are connected.

Logic & Discrete Mathematics: In this course learn the basics of Boolean algebra and discrete mathematics with an emphasis on their connections with computer science.

Software Testing: Learn how to catch bugs and break software as you discover different testing methods that will help you build better software.

Thank you for all of your hard work helping us make free education a mainstay! Keep up with Udacity on our social networks:
Udacity Blog - Facebook - Twitter - G+


The Udacity Team
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Summer courses
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How does the Internet work? Why were LinkedIn passwords easier to break into? What is the time value of money? What do the novels Alice and Wonderland, Dracula, and Frankenstein say about the relationship between science, technology, and our hopes and fears? Did my 3rd-grade teacher explain only a suboptimal algorithm for multiplying two numbers?
Come geek-out with us over these and tons of other interesting questions explored through our summer courses!
We'll be sending out this newsletter 1-2 times a month to keep you updated on new course offerings and Coursera news. We hate spam too, so we'll only send out our newsletter with information that we think will be useful for you. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to get the most current updates.
Happy studying!
Your Coursera Team
Be proud to die by my Bankai.
Bankai. Senbonsakura Kageyoshi
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